Near and Far
STAIRCASE All I ever wanted was to keep you from tripping / And all I ever wanted was to let us be living / Living in the air, never coming near to landing / Staying
with a friend, feelings of the end notwithstanding / Falling down, I’m falling / Mentally I stumble to the top of the staircase / Physically I crumble; suddenly, the world’s
gone M.I.A. / Spirit isn’t there; left a marker where I’ll find it / Following in time, when the stars align I can shine it / and I’m falling down the staircase
CORNERSTONE / WELL And I wanted just to lead up the stairs / We all saw it; the rock when before it wasn’t there / The socialist feeling of common fare / The case
you’ve been pleading is peripheral air / And in my corner lay the stone / What/who is the figure you follow, you man of the people? / And where are the closetis for all
your tomorrows? A rain-letting steeple / And all of the things you’ve been saying in all their precision / Are quieter than commanding reminders it isn’t because it isn’t /
And in my corner lay the stone the path that leads to you alone while on the earth a body dwells the deeper waters of me well and rise to rinse my friends and foes they
touch me too and I suppose the Cross was borne as t’were a throne and in my corner lay the stone
FOURBEE And I will not quietly walk away / The things we learn are for today and for tomorrow and then the next day / When I came into your room, you ran up to my
knees / Pulled me down onto the floor, and then you read to me / You know I’m grateful you let me in your home / Who is unable? / When I turn around and see you, we
better choose some place to go / And I will not quietly walk away / Together, learning every da}y / And all the books you read, we wrote them on the wall, try a hundred
more / And all the things I learned from you that even up the score / You know I’m grateful; this room once was my home too / Who is unable? / Even though I see you
now, someday soon you’ll be walking out that door / And when we go outside and squint our eyes, you tell me you’re my friend and I can hold your hand / Walking out the
door is not the end
YOU HAVE THE GO-AHEAD Left and right, minds collide, tell me that you’re going to make it / I’ll wait but only an hour / Hurling through the vertigo, on your back
but you won’t break just yet / And I have been waiting for so long, I have been waiting for so long would you meet me at the nexus of it all?
NEXUS And I’ll wait for you an hour or a day; an hour for today / Light bends, its true, twisting through the sky like a zephyr to your eye / Sparks fly / AroÇund you /
Who am I to blame? Too dangerously sane / Take time, renew the choices that you’ve made allow you to escape the weight unscathed / I’m far away hidden here in space
dreaming of the places we’ll see in time when I will become yours; you always have been mine / This sphere will stay / A light you’ve never seen is showing us the way /
We’ll meet and be o.k. if you could meet me at the nexus of it all / Go ahead, you can meet me at the nexus staring through the center of it all / Go ahead, you can meet
me at the nexus / This is just a call / Go ahead if I see you there at all it wouldn’t take too long / Go ahead, if I see you there at all I can’t expect to fall
THE BROKEN ANGER Kickstand, the broken anger / I can’t stand the broken anger / My friends, dressed in danger / My friends, won’t you please explain it? / With all
the losing tries I can’t stand the broken anger / Sometimwes you go outside to win / Kickstand, the burning magnet / I cannot stand the burning magnet / Negative and
positive / Wrapped up and dressed in plastic / Finish this, the plastic wrapping gives outer sense to affluence / Kickst–, the b–ken an–r
PLACE WHERE SOMETHING FELL We stayed upon the outside alone / The Place Where Something Fell long ago / In the beginning / and I will proxy as your shadow in
the sun / and I step lightly off the edges while you run / Looking at the outside I know / You’re on the inside, why did you go against me? / Dig until I find it; the Stone
/ You’ll never find it, it’s just an ancient story / Put my hands into the earth and pray / Can you see him? See him is he o.k.? / The touch surprises me… / Brighter
than sunshine, what have we wrought this day? / Drag me up the side, burnt and cold / Follow my map out to the world / And you will never `cease to be a father, I will
never cease to be a son / The love that places other higher than your own self
OUTSIDE THE CRATER We stayed to the outside the story made us blind but left my eyes to see just what you are to me
YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER AND I’M NOT JOKING This morning I found you out in love / I found you earmarked for love / With sonar I sound you out in
love / Best chance to turn to starboard / I would fulfill your marker / I’ll go without you, I’ll go without you / More risk of more unhappiness / Pick up and dry you off
again, once more for us once more for us / dododododododo / With sonar we sound each other / cause everybody knows / The weight of the world you held is gone,
anxiety’s casting spell is gone / You’re free to choose your own path / Through action, redefine life once more for us once more for us / this morning I found ´you out in
love / cause everybody knows, in love
I’M SO IN LOVE (AND NEVER THOUGHT THAT IT WOULD BE YOU) I’m so in love with you and all the things you are to me / It was after 10 o’clock and I was
walking down the street / But when I saw you in the park, looking lonely after dark I knew it had to be true / You had been my friend before, but I was feeling something
more for you / You know, this may seem a little strange but I’m speaking through a haze of your love / You have seeped into my mind and words are hard to find, but
when the world has got you down you don’t need to make a sound, I’ll comfort you / Even though you may not know who I am or where I go, I’ll sing for you
CONSTELLATIONS You see the evidence, the sun is over / Venus will come soon and with it is the orangish-golden moon / But never mind the sky we’ll hike oustide /
Put on your coat it’s cold, the air will do its best to keep us young / And I should have known looking at the stars at night reflects the different facets of a soul / In the
constellations millions of years older but still keep me from growing colder / The constellations gazing at the darkness-stars, looking for something in your heart / ‘Con’
is for the instant connotation / Connect the dots with lines to make pictures in the sky / ‘Stellar’ means the sky, the stars, and all that’s in the heavens above with love /
And ‘ation’ is the stationary written upon by ancient men handed down through nations until our current configuration of constellations / And I’m looking for something in
your heart
UNDER MY PROTECTION Never look back, you’re under my protection / You are free to discover that I will send you on / Never look back / It’s your bridge and I will
follow / I give the vessel, it’s yours to command / Yours to command / You’re a stick man / Stepping forward, you’re under my protection / Keep your eyes out, your ears
out, and never let the candle touch the ground, keep your wits about you, and in the darkness-danger if you fear you know my name / And if you reach a bridge, I will
holler across the chasm, saying Come And Join Us / Come and join us / And if you are abused (come and join us) If you are tired, if you are sick or weak, if you are in
need of refuge then come and join us
I think these were typed for the near and far CD package. -h, 2011