Falcon Heavy Drive

The Falcon Heavy Drive is a two-channel boost and overdrive built around the sound of one individually biased-JFET slamming into another.  Sonically it covers territory from preamp-style subtle coloration to hard-clipped meltdown scuzzy drive.  High input impedance and low output impedance preserve signal level and treble response, making it a great first or last pedal in a signal chain.

It features two additional clipping options beyond the JFETs, a low shelf tone control to tighten bass frequencies (useful paired with compressed/dirty amps), a mid notch filter assignable to any combination of the two channels, and a touch of volume boost on channel two.

The Falcon Heavy Drive is designed to work equally well on guitar and bass.

Reserve a Falcon Heavy Drive

  1. Submit the form below
  2. When your pedal is built (8-12 weeks) you’ll receive a PayPal invoice ($150 US + shipping outside the lower 48 if applicable) for your pedal
  3. Pay the invoice within 30 days and your pedal will be shipped

To reserve a Falcon Heavy Drive please submit the following form:

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I – Input

O – Output

Power jack – 9V DC center negative (standard Boss/Ibanez type) (Falcon Heavy Drive requires a power supply; it does not have a battery snap)

D – Drive.  Turn clockwise for more boost / saturation / clipping

C – Clipping toggle.  Selects among JFET boost (no diodes), drive (asymmetric Germanium/Silicon diode soft clipping), and scuzz (asymmetric Schottky diode hard clipping) modes

T – Tone.  Fully counter-clockwise is the neutral, flat position; turn clockwise to shelve low frequencies

V – Volume

— 1 2 B – Mid notch toggle.  Assigns a 5 dB cut at 1215 Hz to neither channel (“–“), channel one, channel 2, or both channels

D2 – Drive 2.  Turn clockwise for more boost / saturation / clipping.  When its footswitch is activated the D2 control effectively replaces the D control

The Falcon Drive isn’t based on any particular pedal, but has been informed by Jack Orman, RunOffGroove.com, SmallBear Electronics, and the MXR Distortion+.