The Sleepover's "Oceans of Ice, Island of Terror" Available!

Lone Prairie Records has released Cory & Co.‘s latest effort on CD; messages from Cory below.

Hello, all! As promised/threatened, I am sending this e-mail out once more to remind you about the CD release shows, and to let you know that the CD is now available for purchase online through Lone Prairie Records! To buy one for a mere $10, just go here!:

From that page, you can click on four of the songs which will take you to our reverb nation page for streamings. But really, go buy this CD. You will be shocked and amazed and maybe even a little bit more fashionable.

Hope to see you at the CD release shows! If not, make haste and snag a copy as soon as you’re able :)

Cory + The Sleepover


I thought I’d send out this review from to everyone who worked on the record: it’s pretty dang complimentary, I would say!

(The Sleepover review link)
I tried to talk up everyone who worked on the record equally in the e-mail I sent him, but I think he mentioned Eric on account of the resumé. But either way, he praises the production value very highly, which speaks really well to Chris, Eric, and Howie! And he seems to like the songs, which is rad. My favorite quote is when he’s talking about our record and the Scott Severin record, and he says, “The only way this record could be more opposite from Severin’s is if it incorporated a gay choir and an orchestra of vuvzelas.” I love it!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


The gang worked this record hardcore, and it shows.  Cory’s voice has never sounded so good, the arrangements are beautiful, and I’m proud to have played my part in it, too. -h


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