Synth Rig

Setting my controls for the heart of the sun:

Missing: iPad mini for upper right (used to take this pic)

I’ve set up and torn down my synth stuff enough lately, with more to come, that I built a synth board this weekend.

Naked board with red couch

Neither the board or the rig is very fancy but they’re fun to make sounds with.  Three sound sources (Alesis Micron, Korg Volca Bass, iPad mostly running the Poly app) route to a mixer.  The mixer has an effects loop (pedals are in that loop) and sends dual mono out (not stereo; one output is the dry signal, one is the wet from the effects).

Now that things are laid out I’ll buy some shorter cables to reduce all of that mess.

When I plugged in to test everything out and set levels I ended up writing and recording the backbone of a new Night Mode piece.  That’s always a good sign, when new gear or new arrangements of gear inspire music right away.


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