
Listening to some Randy Newman early this morning; I’ve been getting into his music slowly (there’s a lot to take in).  He more- or less-obliquely talks about race quite a bit, and particularly the song “Yellow Man” (“Got to have a yellow woman if you’re a yellow man”) has always been a bit awkward for me to hear.  I realized, though, that given his frequent use of irony this is really a song that implicitly supports inter-racial romance by illustrating the absurity of notions of racial purity.  I feel better about listening to it, now that I have an answer to the question “What is this?!” if it comes on shuffle while somebody is over.

The DragonForce contest is still open, everybody.

Two Sleepover shows coming up – Feb. 25 at the Slowdown in Omaha, and (just confirmed) March 6 with Mynabirds (!!!) at the Zoo Bar in Lincoln.

Been busy with little things in the studio: Mars Lights demos and writing vocals, Ventura drum practice, Fight Songs EP demos and drums, planning for another EP (Crushed)… and probably more that I can’t think of right now.  -h


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