“Fight Songs” Lyrics


I was wrong, you were right, you can spell it how you like
Common sense be damned, full speed ahead
Conventions never were your thing
Type those pretty thoughts into the night
Talking hard
I used “proscribe,” you called me out
You know I love to argue, babe
I don’t take prisoners but I’ll fight you fair
Maybe I’m the lunatic you’re looking for

I don’t need to win, don’t ever walk away from an honest debate
Hey, it doesn’t matter, doesn’t mean a thing
When did we stop having fun in here?
My heart, I’m yours
And your sketchy spelling doesn’t change a thing about us
Trust me when I tell you

She doesn’t know your name, I didn’t tell her who was
Talking like a cookbook from the fifties
I just said you were a friend
Anonymous as ever at my job, slacking off
Can we sharpen wits without it being hurtful?
God, I hope so
Kid, I need to feel we’re cool with repartee
Holding back holds us apart

So are you coming out tonight?
I want to sing, run my hands through your hair
Your taste is like a tide that’s sweeping over me
When did this become a fight worth fighting?
Love, I’m yours
And your quiet, casting eyes don’t change a thing about us

Cowboys, Beastie Boys, crazy boys
All have a better claim with you than I can make my case for
Love, the dictionary has defeated me
We lost the battle, let’s win the war

I wuz rong
U wer rite
Fuckin u kan spel it how u lyke

‘Cause I don’t need to win, don’t ever walk away
From an honest debate
Babe, it doesn’t matter, doesn’t mean a thing
When did we stop having fun in here?
My heart, I’m yours
And your quiet, casting eyes don’t change a thing about us
Trust me when I tell you
My heart, I’m yours
And your sketchy spelling doesn’t change a thing about us

The Last Last Time f Cory

Trouble, all the hours blown

I know I’ll feel, when I
See you for the last time
Tonight we believe
The weight of every single line
I don’t want to say another word
All the years we spent believing
That you heard
Was I wrong, wrong?
Break it down, I find it takes more than a
Fight to turn around
Yeah, you know

I think

The worst possibilities
In dreams, I pretend

Have a chance at anything
Trouble, all the hours blown
Taking all the strength we know
Yeah, it shows

I know I’ll feel, when I
See you for the last time
Tonight I believe
The weight of everything

Someone told me love was just a
Game we play

Nights we wasted fighting over
Little things
I try

To let you in somehow
Tonight there is hope

To win at something real
They’re gone, gone

Tell myself there’s nothing gained by getting
Wrapped into a bind

Yeah I know

Some way
Got me wrapped into a bind

Yeah I know
All the hours blown

All the strength we know

Yeah it shows
It shows
To be received
And say goodbye to past lives
Remain to see
The death of setting suns
I know I’ll feel, when I
See you for the last time
Tonight we believe
The weight of every line
The weight of every line

Time I Would Spend

Write a thousand words to find the three with feeling
And you said you wanted more
Could you be the person who you hoped was in you?
When the message comes?
Tidal waves are rolling higher every week here
We see the change
Kid, we cannot keep on doing what we’re doing
We have to escape

All the time that I would spend to find a reason
When you had enough, yeah
Becoming heroes couldn’t reach the love we needed

Like a hurricane extended by the climate
The pressure’s worse
I don’t need to know exactly how you see it
Well, I see it in myself
Coming closer, chasing down the days
Breaking over the shore

All the time that I would spend to find a reason
When you had enough, yeah
Becoming heroes couldn’t reach the love we needed
All the time that I would spend to learn your heart
Becoming heroes couldn’t reach the love we needed

Tell myself to breathe, you tell yourself to breathe…

All the time that I would spend to find a reason
When you had enough, yeah
Becoming heroes couldn’t reach the love we needed
All the time that I would spend to learn your heart
Write a thousand words to find the three with feeling
All the time that I would spend to find a reason, a reason

Lost f Drew

An invitation found me there
In the mail, yesterday
Pile’s been piling up a while
I’ll admit, missed the date
I don’t want to fake this!
Someone make me scream real loud
Wake me to my friends and loves
Claim me back from the crowd

When you’re lost, lost, lost
What’s in my eyes that you can’t find what you’re after?
Yeah we talk, talk, talk
But I can’t calm with words the anxious voice of your darkest heart

Jackets gather in the hills
On the banks, by the sand
Bells for Mo and beers for us
But I’m at home, road be damned
Ask me where my head is
Do you think I’m getting old?
Grant me breath enough to speak
Give me spark, give me soul

When you’re lost…

Given I’m near fifty, could I still look like love to you?
Rock your answer steady, static in the signal’s tune

March 401st f Drew

“Autumn Walker” played in the car
Driving for the change, change of heart
January, February

Like four hundred days in a row

April and May, grinding away
I don’t want to hurt any more
Dreams, returning worse than before
Love, where are you?

A day’s just a day

Sinking Is Easy

Voice in my heart tells a story
“One foot in front of the other, now you’re all alone”
“Sinking is easy” the siren sings
“Walk off the edge with a wave, I’ll take you home”

So you want to know this one thing
I can’t stand to tell you how
All the music in my mind is
Building like a silent sound
On the verge of going nowhere
Let me find another route
Where it wouldn’t be so hard to love

Whisper of wings on my shoulder
Charming the wind, tears of anger, and I’m lost
Won’t let you reach through the blackest rain
Taking my time with the words you can never see

So you want to know this one thing…

Into my head, I am dead as I fly toward the ground
Fantasy’s sweet but it keeps me from being around, around

Hey, tell me what am I doing here?
Hiding the worst from your touch, your touch?

So you want to know this one thing…

Fight Song arr Scott

Come here, heart
You would be dressed for the occasion
No use to pretend we’re something different than we are
I’m not the fight you may have wanted
Fewer rings our second year, and more of cooking in

But I can hope that we could be the fight you will have chosen
It’s not a win or losing thing, if you’ll do me the honor

Love, I see
How you ache to hear the standards
It had to be you loving those old lines, as if a million others
Never fell for them
Never fell for them
When I can make the words my own, you’ll be the first to hear them
And everything you care to know has been between us
Since I saw you, love
On the steps in May

Hey Sleepyhead f Rob and Aaron

Doo doot doo…

Wrap yourself up, tumble down the stairs
Hey sleepyhead, your coffee’s ready
Like a normal week we’ve shared each other’s bed,
But it doesn’t look like you’ve been resting
When you sit, love, and you stare
When I’m itching to get up and move around, read or play
How do we meet this moment?
Without a recipe or film, and when we feel exhausted?

Doo doot doo…

What’s it take to change my house into a home?
Is a book enough, need to leave a pair of shoes?
…I didn’t mean it like that!
Kid, you know I’m struggling here, throw me something!
Yeah, I know I hide on the net when I could entertain
But the question’s how to save a space for two to tangle
In spite of the claims we recognize

Love could be our rhythm, our religion, our fighting words
Separate, ever reuniting, blessed tonight in Math and Mango

Name and try to name again what keeps us going on
Something in the way she moves
Here’s to Thursday and champagne at ten a.m.
Sleepy heads and sexy boots

Let’s Get Out Of Here f Cory

Esté wants to leave right now
Says her friend will be in town
Esté needs a ride to Lake Cloud

Wasted all the time she had to spend alone
Bottles and her brushes on the kitchen floor
Saving some defiance for the scene at home

Esté wants to leave right now
Says she knows a party house
Esté isn’t making a sound

I’ve been tied up inside the alcohol
Waiting for someone to overcome it all
Faces turn silent while I walk it off

Esté wants to leave right now
Says she’s sick of hanging out
Esté’s got to get to her crowd

Motoring, cascading light I need to learn
Miles melt misanthropy for once

Esté wants to leave right now
Says she’ll take your number down
Esté isn’t waiting around

(She Was) The Greatest (By Far) f Scott

The greatest by far
Down on Deloney Street
The greatest by far, yeah she was…

Outside Xenophan better straighten your eyes
Put a punch in your step
You’re only human
They see right through you
She talks, pulling back reactionist lies
And colonist crimes
Saying “There’s blood on your hands”
Blood on my hands

The greatest by far…

Destroyed – Pieces that will never fit – Broken in
I’m better for her, better for her
We walk, cross each other constantly
But I never speak
There’s so many words
Too many words

Maybe This One f Nate

I wanted to fill an emptiness
Waited so long
Opening up the heart of us
And laying it out
Maybe this one, maybe this one, maybe this one…
Took a few years to go for it
Getting it right

Yeah, I just survive the days
Until you arrive to stay

Saying it once, you realize
How wild it sounds
Taking its time, taking its time, taking its time…
Where is a line?
Is there a moment when you walk away?
I want to give in, want to be great
I want you to shine

But I just survive the days…

Look The Other Way (Cool Song For Miles)

You don’t know me like you think
When money’s short
When jobs are drying up, I can do anything
Look the other way, keep breathing

I will come back for Miles some day
Back with meds bought

Compromised and doubled down
Things I’ve done, lines that I have crossed
People left to bleed out
Running, crying, stealing, lying

I will come back for Miles some day…

She lies in the sun
Keeping her time ‘til I’m done

I will come back for Miles some day…

She lies, and I’m done

So, Did I Miss You? f Scott

Don’t get me wrong if I keep to my own
Doesn’t mean we’re not…
And “missing” is weird to me, what can I say?
It’s not like I can change

But every Bonnie that I chance
Catches a glimpse that makes me miss a breath and doesn’t have a name
Leaves a wake

Looks like you’re having a hell of a time
With the hedge and the car
I’ll get to Douglas as soon as I can
Hope the air isn’t rough

Like the times when the grief got overwhelming
I get scared I’ll be on my own
There are moments that you shine through the nothing
And the light is enough to hold

Speed Lab f Tim (bonus track)

Unseen, taking off the edge
I’ve got to learn the parts and not collapse
It seemed brighter than before
Making up in sequence what we lack
And the tides crash on our shore, making progress

One time, it only takes a spark
To silhouette the palms and light the gas
But this time I couldn’t stand the flames
I crawled up the beach and never looked back
While the band played in my head, sounding endless

Speed lab
Watching over me, man
Imperial potential
To manufacture free land
With your…

Outside, how can I repair?
Where would we begin to make it right?
When the world, shot through with our disease,
Needs less of what we were and more real light?
Empires fell at your word
Make them notice


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