Dear Friends + Family: the Sleepover record is finally finished (the title is yet to be determined), and we’re in the process of figuring out what will be done with the record. In the meantime, I would like to share with you four songs from the record, available for stream:
or (scroll to the “Bio” section for the reverbnation widget. Myspace sucks and would NOT let me upload).
These songs were recorded/edited by Chris Steffen at Steffonic Recording, mixed/edited by Eric Medley at Medley Productions, and mastered by C. Howie Howard at Mr. Furious Records. We started recording in August, and have slowly been trying to make the best record that we could make. It is an understatement to say that this record was a team effort including the band + Eric, Chris and Howie.
If nothing else, please give these songs a shot. In my opinion, they sound great, and I happen to like the songs a lot, too, although I am biased, lulz. If you hate them, you’ll have only sacrificed 20 minutes, and now you’ll have something new to dislike, which can be fun.
If you like/love them, I strongly encourage you to pass them along to others who might be interested in hearing them. Post them to your blog/Facebook/myspace/website/whatever else. Send them to friends and family. Grab the music-player widget from either site and spread it around like a nasty rash.
As I said, we hope to release the record in the next few months, and it all hangs on if anyone is interested or if it’s self-released. Hopefully we’re able to find a small label who is interested in helping us with the pressing costs, but if not, we’re dedicated to making sure it comes out in a timely manner. Either way, it’ll be out soon. And then it will be full-quality .wav files instead of the 6 megabyte mp3s that these sites require, so that Eric/Chris/Howie’s expertise can fully shine.
Thanks in advance for listening! We’re really proud of this record, and we think we (everyone who was a part of this record) made something really special.
Love, Cory + The Sleepover.