Live Set & Breakfast Next Saturday

I’ll be playing next Saturday, Oct. 9, from 8-10 AM for Community Assistance’s Council‘s Flapjack Fundraiser at the Applebee’s at Truman Corners, Grandview, MO.

From the press release:

Community Assistance Council is announcing the start of a new program for transitional housing in south Kansas City. Seeds of Hope, an area home purchased by CAC, will allow a family time to live in the home, while working with a case manager to develop life skills and stabilize finances with the goal of reaching self-sufficiency in six to nine months.

“There’s been such a need in this area for transitional housing. Currently, families that want to live in this area, but have credit issues or other barriers that keep them from renting or owning a home have only local motels to stay at,” Carol Bird Owsley, Executive Director of CAC, said.

… St. Luke’s [United Methodist Church] started a pledge drive with its membership and has hosted numerous fundraisers to raise the money needed to purchase the home … Community Assistance Council is now hosting its own Flapjack Fundraiser on Saturday, October 9, at the Applebee’s at Truman Corners, from 8-10am.

CAC staff and volunteers with help from St. Luke’s United Methodist Church volunteers, will cook and serve breakfast, which will include pancakes, eggs and sausage, as well as a beverage for $7/person. There will even be musical entertainment provided by Howie Howard from Mr. Furious Records ( Proceeds will be used to pay for ongoing expenses the first year, such as insurance, taxes and utilities. “Eventually, the program will be able to fund itself,” Owsley stated. “But the first year costs need to be met.”

Tickets for the Flapjack Fundraiser can be purchased in advance at Community Assistance Council, 10901 Blue Ridge Boulevard, or at the door. More information regarding Seeds of Hope, the breakfast or CAC can be provided by calling the agency, 816-763-3277.

In unrelated news, Jill sent me this screenshot from Facebook:

Facebook Mellensong


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