Breakfast Bars That Will Change Your Life

Update 2013 March 2: From 8-9 bananas to 10, from 7 cups oats to 6. I’ve been making these for almost a year, and still love them. Originally posted 2012 June 10.

  • 10 medium-to-large bananas, peeled & mashed with the back of a fork in a big bowl (if your bananas are smallish at all, adjust the number of bananas upward accordingly & to taste)
  • 6 cups of rolled oats (i.e. Quaker’s old fashioned)
  • 2 cups of your favorite dried fruit, nuts, seeds, chocolate or other chips, etc. (I use roasted almonds)
  • Optional: any spices, honey, etc. that you like (I use a splash of vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and honey)

That’s it!  Add the oats, extras, and spices to your bananas, and mix well.  The mass should stick together pretty well.  Spread it out on a cookie sheet – parchment paper optional – don’t press it down to much, just spoon it out over the whole sheet and shape it together (I also pre-cut it into 16 bars with a spatula, 2×8) – and bake at 350 degrees for about 55 minutes, until the top is browning a little.  Let it cool, then cut (if you didn’t already) or break the bars apart.

Hat tip to Katherine Eats Real Food.  When I changed jobs, I found that my new grocery store doesn’t carry my typical breakfast foods, so I took the opportunity to get into the habit of making these bars.  They’re delicious and super-healthy!