Have You Checked Out MFR’s Site Map?

It’s here.  It’s been there for a few months, but I haven’t said anything about it until now.

There are links to browse-able archives by author, category, and page, but the cool thing for me is the chronological list of posts (511 as of this one!  I meant to note the crossing of the 500-post mark.  Ack) going all the way back to our launch in fall of 2004.  Even just a scan of the titles is pretty interesting:

  • 2013 January – That was a pretty good Ladyfinger show at the Riot Room
  • 2012 December – I still like the visceral/mysterious axis
  • 2012 July – It’s been almost a year since we were drumming in the carriage house; hard to believe
  • 2011 August – The Sleepover at ARC in Omaha…
  • 2010 December – Took CA to see Jimmy Eat World for her birthday
  • 2009 October – “There is Something and not nothing”
  • skipping ahead…  or back, really…
  • 2007 February – The Shins in Lawrence, and the worst drive home ever
  • 2006 May – First shows with Five Star Crush
  • 2004-05 – All of the Minneapolis memories…
  • 2004 September 21 – Liftoff!

What jumps out at you?  What were you there for?


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