
I’m hardly, but it’s the title of the Truckfighters song that’s on right now.  If you like early Queens of the Stone Age, check out Truckfighters; debut Gravity embedded below, more at Fuzzorama Records Bandcamp page.

Keeping it short; my Mac (the personal one, not the studio PC) had a huge, weird, unexpected node problem Friday night and I’ve spent a bunch of time recovering from that.  At this point it looks like I have everything, but it’s going to take a bunch of time to get it all back where it belongs, including my iTunes library (gigantic), Thunderbird (email, plus it functions as my to-do list), GIMP (MFR artwork), and more.

I’ve started recording instrumental leads for Cory’s long-awaited solo jawn; two tracks of keys and one of harmonica (!) are down.  That leaves four leads, probably all electric guitar and assorted effects, background vocals, and whatever little guitar texture bits are needed after the other stuff is in place.  It’s a lot of fun to do, and going to sound really, really cool.

Mars Lights EP release is scheduled for January 13.  We just finished mastering, and figure everyone’s busy for the next couple weeks.


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