“Title” / Artist / Album / # of hits

1. “Lunch By Yourself” / Gilby / Furious Instance / 33

2. “Was I In Bon Jovi For A Second?” / howie&scott / Furious Instance / 15

3. “Rose-Colored Glasses” / Beach-Puppy / Creepy Eepy / 11

4. “God Bless The Strokes” / echoes / nickel / 10

5. “He Came To Steal Your Children” / Bike / How Is That Possible / 8
5. “There’s Something To Be Said” / Beach-Puppy / Creepy Eepy / 8
5. “Bad Attitude” / Bike / How Is That Possible / 8


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2 responses to “MRFURIOUSRECORDS.COM HOT 5 – March”

  1. Mr. Furious Avatar

    FYI – “hits” do not correspond 1:1 with “downloads.” Because of spiders, robots, and aborted downloads, the actual ratio is more like 2:1 – meaning that for every 2 hits, the song is actually downloaded (and hopefully heard!) one time. -h

  2. Mr. Furious Avatar

    This is a test of new comments links. -h