Website Changes, New Buttons, Other News

A host of updates on different fronts this morning; continues to evolve with the new WordPress system.  Major changes last night include adding the “Last Five Posts” section and making the “MUSIC Category Archive” the front page (instead of the last five posts…  you see the logic here).  Moved the album art to the right side for clarity.  I will still be messing with smaller formatting things this weekend, but step-by-step we are massaging the site into doing what we want.  Thanks to all who have been using the new commenting system!  Slick, eh?!

New music is ready, including echoes’ Tonight The Lone Wolf Rides Alone, Benjamin Axeface’s EP, and Robot, Creep Closer!’s demo EP.  We are awaiting artwork, and will release one of these shortly.

New buttons are in the mail from NOBS – see me for one.  Three new designs, including the Be A Ska Rat cover, and the “MR” logo in mint green and light pink (i.e. the website colors).

The Farewell has our first show as a newly re-memembered five-piece on St. Patrick’s Day in Wichita, KS.  I’ll be rocking Melisabeth Wright’s own personal CASIO onstage!  We sound like… The French Kicks + U2 + Tom Petty.  Is that possible???  The show is with a national band and a popular Wichita band, so I’ve heard it will sell out; if anyone dreams of going, get in touch with me soon: (we’ll be playing in KC very soon).



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One response to “Website Changes, New Buttons, Other News”

  1. howie Avatar

    Holy Buckets – this is a test of the new “Latest Comment On:” feature. If it works, that would be rad. LEAVE A MESSAGE – TONE!