Cory Alan wrote a [blog] a few weeks ago about making MFR mix CDs, and I’ve been pondering more seriously since then about what a MFR compilation might aim for.  A good mix should introduce everybody in an order that makes sense musically, and perhaps chronologically.  What if we took a song from every release, in reverse order; beginning with the newest?

(I realize that Lone Wolf, Robot Creep Closer’s EP, and Benjamin Axeface’s EP aren’t out yet… but for the future’s sake, let’s include them for discussion.)

I’ve done my list, and posted it in comments below (with a couple question marks).  The albums in reverse order are listed below, to help jog your memory.  I expect to actually burn a fair number of these mixes, so weigh in with your thoughts and ideas – if you like, you might even use the same (or a similar) list for your friends.

Lone Wolf
A Wind…
Be A Ska Rat
Sally Ride
Lady Luck
Nebraska Verses
Furious Instance
Creepy Eepy
How Is That Possible
The Dimly Lit Room
Knowing Her Best


in by


5 responses to “MFR Mix CD”

  1. mr Avatar

    Alright, here’s my list. You’ll notice questions on Lone Wolf and Sally Ride, where I’d be happy for input. -howie

    Axeface – Where Did I Go Wrong?
    R,CC! – I’m Bustin A Move
    Lone Wolf – Open Columns / America Votes
    A Wind… – The Horror! Oh The Horror!
    Be A Ska Rat – Corrupting The Youth
    XMAS – How We Can Know
    Sally Ride – Headbone / What U Do 2 Me
    Lady Luck – Dog Sitting
    Nebraska Verses – Major & Minor (live)
    Furious Instance – Lunch By Yourself
    D-Rockets – Bottom of the Pool
    Gilmo – As Seen From B
    Creepy Eepy – Nature vs. Nurture
    How Is That Possible – Bad Attitude
    The Dimly Lit Room – Fully OK
    nickel – God Bless The Strokes
    Knowing Her Best – Prove It

  2. jake Avatar

    allright. here’s my two cents.

    i’ll start at current minus the albums i havent heard

    R,CC – Uh huh, uh huh, NO
    A Wind – Seperation is Ok…
    Be A Ska Rat – J. Cougar Mellensong
    XMAS – At Its Rising
    Sally Ride – Headbone
    Lady Luck – Eye Of the Needle
    Nebraska Verses – My Friends
    Furious Instance – Lunch by yourself
    D-Rockets – Last of the Old Gang
    Gilmo – As seen from A
    Creepy Eepy – Nature vs. nurture
    how is that possible – robot love – i love you
    the dimly lit room – placing blame
    nickel – god bless the strokes
    knowing her best – prove it.

    dang it! i have like the same songs as you howie! i even intentionally picked some songs differently because i didnt want to have the same list. but these are definitly ones i think would make a good mix. i’m a fan of the jazziness and laid backness of most of these songs…. that’s what i was thinking


  3. howie Avatar

    Cool, Jake, I plugged a bunch of your choices into my iTunes playlist and am definitely making these changes to my mix;

    Ska Rat – “Mellensong” in for “Corrupting the Youth”

    Sally Ride – with your confirmation, “Headbone” – I was leaning the other way, but you remind me that “Headbone” is the definite international super hit (seriously, the Swedes love it!).

    D-Rockets – “The Last of the Old Gang” in for “Bottom of the Pool” (I think I love “…Pool” just because it was the first song I heard on an EP I looooove like a 13-year old girl).

    GiLMO – “A” in for “B.” Actually when I wrote my list, I just got confused – “A” is what I wanted all along:-)

    I’ve decided on “America Votes” from my Lone Wolf.

    I’m sympathetic to “At its Rising,” but think that 2 free jazz tracks mis-represent MFR. Also, including Cory’s XMAS track evens the balance between him, Nate, and I at three apiece, which I liked.

    Now both echoes tracks refer to other bands in their titles!


    Axeface – Where Did I Go Wrong?
    R,CC! – I’m Bustin A Move
    Lone Wolf – America Votes
    A Wind… – The Horror! Oh The Horror!
    Be A Ska Rat – J. Cougar Mellensong
    XMAS – How We Can Know
    Sally Ride – Headbone
    Lady Luck – Dog Sitting
    Nebraska Verses – Major & Minor (live)
    Furious Instance – Lunch By Yourself
    D-Rockets – Last of the Old Gang
    Gilmo – As Seen From A
    Creepy Eepy – Nature vs. Nurture
    How Is That Possible – Bad Attitude
    The Dimly Lit Room – Fully OK
    nickel – God Bless The Strokes
    Knowing Her Best – Prove It

  4. howie Avatar

    I listened, and thought it sagged in the middle… the culprit; “Major & Minor.” Fine song. But not the right spot.

    Criminally overlooked Blame The Game to the rescue! The QUESTION: “Time Warp” or “Gotta Get Out”???

    I’d love some input. I’ll be on it. -h

  5. howie Avatar

    I settled on “Time Warp”… tough call. But it showcases Tim’s voice and harmonies, has a bit of 311 sound (Nebraska connection), and adds a unique flavor to the mix.

    “Gotta Get Out” is 100% awesome, is all about Blair NE and small town life, and gives Robot, Creep Closer! a bit of context… but ultimately gave way to one of my favorite choruses;

    “My time / expanding inside / flashing by at half-speed
    Got two minutes for the price of one, now!”