More Russian, Bandit Ties, and the Weekend in Music

Cory translated the Russian blog that linked to The Silent Woods:

Style: [indi]-[folk], acoustic [indi]- fate. Extremely unoriginal [indi]- fate and [indi]-[folk] under the acoustic guitar with inconsistent high man (sometimes [duetnym]) [vokalom]. It is recorded in the bedroom in Cory, is on top somewhere superimposed synthesizer and all this only is processed on the computer (obviously it is, as a minimum, passed through [garmonayzer]). This simple and unassuming domestic record, is not more. Minus is mark for the [sintezatornuyu] inaccuracy. 3/5

They seem pretty bummed about it, but still gave the record 3 of 5 stars!

I wonder if the “high man” is the harmony-singer (me) or the higher-pitched notes-singer (Cory).  Because the “inconsistency” could be my f’d up harmonies or Cory’s live vocals.  I wonder what “garmonayzer” is.

Cory and I continue to be super-happy about the album.

5*C plays tomorrow night at RecordBar with Flee the Seen and Kill Hannah, which is pretty cool.  It’s early/all-ages; we play at 5 PM sharp, and the show will be over by 8:30.  Still light out then.

I’ve been expirimenting with new accessories for my stage look, including the “casual ascot,” the “bandit tie,” the “theater scarf,” and the “faux-scot.”  High hopes.

I read every day, but listening to the Forkcast this morning for a couple hours I am dismayed at the blandness of the playlist’s eclecticism.  Paradox?  It all seems to indie-predictable, including the pop-dance stuff and the Lil Wayne fetish.  I’d like to hear more metal, more lo-fi, more pop *songs,* and more roots/folk/world stuff.  New songs from Okkervil River and Au were really good.  LCD Soundsystem is always solid.



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