August 29 notes

  • Fifty Bears’ guitars are finished.  Drew has done an amazing job, and even the rough mixes sound rad.  Next: vocals and mixing on 4-6 tunes, band practice (for the first time in six months!), and prepping for live shows and an initial release of the same 4-6 tunes.
  • I’m discovering Imogen Heap’s “Speak For Yourself” album this morning, based on Bob’s recommendation of her as an artist in general.  “Speak…” is freely available on Skreemr, if you’re willing to assemble all 12 tracks.  I’d say I’m a little late to the party, but it’s never too late for good jams.
  • Still mixing “…not nothing.”  Good progress.  I plan to have a new reference disc done today.
  • MFR’s fifth birthday is rapidly approaching…  I’m starting to think we’ll celebrate with some charts ‘n grafs.
  • Inspired by Cari Ann’s comment that we should put Dorothy Lynch on tacos, I invented an amazing taco recipe; last night’s first test was a massive success.  I’ll post it to MR|Kitchen soon.


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