Silent Woods Co-release

Mr. Furious Records and Lone Prairie Records will partner to release Cory Kibler’s new album The Silent Woods online May 9th.  Cory’s release show is at Duffy’s in Lincoln, NE that night with Gene Hogan and Dan Jenkins.

Lone Prairie has recently posted a six-song EP by Last Leg (Jeff Iwanski of Honey Stump), and is exploring further possibilities for online releases.

“We’re interested in reaching the most people possible with Cory’s record.  The partnership between MFR and LPR is a great step along that path.  This is our third point of contact, after Robot, Creep Closer!’s EP and album and the Killers in the Nebraska Territory comp, and I don’t expect it will be the last.

“In the mid- to long-term, we also expect an increase in web traffic to our sites.  Releasing music freely under Creative Commons license is obviously a viable artistic model; I believe it also has the potential to be a viable business model for bands and collectives, who can give their music away and survive on shows, t-shirts, and added-value releases such as DVDs.” -howie

After The Silent Woods, MFR’s next scheduled release is Sally Ride’s You Have To Wear the Boots, an album of cowboy songs in one act by Cory and howie.


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