
Keeping it short.

If you’re in KC, come see Five Star Crush tonight at Blaney’s in Westport, 9 PM, and stay ’til the end to vote for us to play at Red, White, and Boom this summer.

The new counting process at archive.org has been really encouraging for us; Cory Kibler’s The Silent Woods is at 339 downloads as I write.

With Cory’s record out, my plan is to begin rehearsing for Sally Ride’s You Have To Wear the Boots in my free time.  Because the plan is to record the basic guitar/vocal tracks live  to tape (not digital), it’s going to take some practice.

Last Friday 5*C played in Lindsborg, KS at Bethany College’s Swedestock event.  Because of a cancellation, we were asked to play as long as possible, so in addition to the regular set we dug up re-worked versions of “Strange,” “Ghosts,” “Kalispell,” and other odds and ends.  The bandshell in the park was still painted for last summer’s production of South Pacific.  The kids were mostly hanging out in the shade, eating burgers, which was cool.  Sun in our eyes and hot.  It was fun.

The band that followed us was really good.  They gave me that discovering-a-great-band-at-an-outdoor-festival feeling I haven’t had in a long time.  At the time they were Amsterband, but on Sunday they changed their name to Ha Ha Tonka.  I’ve been listening to their sh*t-kicking indie record, Buckle in the Bible Belt, nonstop since then.  Visit their MySpace page and hear “St. Nick on the Fourth in a Fervor.”


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