AV's Best of the Year, Archive, Fifty Bears, Something, and a Message from ScoMo

The Onion AV Club’s Best-of-2007 list is the… best… one I’ve seen around the web. Since I don’t hear *everything* like journalists do, and many of my greatest listens this year have been older stuff I’m getting into (Depeche Mode & Spoon are notable), I feel unqualified to offer a list. I’m sure Cory and I will cobble something together under a header other than “Best of 2007,” though.

I was mildly surprised by the presence of Low’s record in the # 17 slot because it hasn’t been on a lot of other lists. Same with Jesu at # 12, Bloc Party at # 10, and Band of Horses all the way up at # 5. But that’s why I like the AV Club’s list; they seemed to step back and take the year as a whole, seriously considering who made great music this year (as opposed to what has been fashionable (Pfork) or indie-popular (everyone else) in 2007).

The AV Club’s flexible points-based rating system is also a cut above the standard procedure; they explain their methodology in the article.


Archive.org has been slow this week, making it hard for some folks to download or stream XMAS. We apologize. Archive.org does us a giant kindness – makes MFR possible, really – so please be patient with them!


In project-news Matt and I rocked with Drew as Fifty Bears in a Fight last night, and that was exciting. You may know Drew from such Lincoln bands as Rent Money Big. We are now seeking a singer with some kind of Big Rock Voice; a howl, growl, bark, or wail. This someone may or may not be influenced by metal or blues music, and may certainly be of any age, gender identity or orientation, cultural background, etc; voice is all that matters to us. Some singers we would have taken if they were available include Lemmy from Motorhead, Ozzy, Dave Grohl, the guy from Ladyfinger (ne)…


This week I also finished writing a new record called There is Something and not nothing. It’s different, it’s catchy, and Matt will play drums on it. Beyond that, I don’t know what to say yet.


Scott sent this message from south of the equator.  “These tracks” are his horn and flute parts in “Snow is a Bear.”

Yo h, It’s probably too late, but I checked and I recorded these tracks in the Atlantic at approximately

Lat: 25* 31′ S

Long: 44* 11.70′ W

I repeat…

Lat: 25* 31′ S

Long: 44* 11.70′ W.. wait I guess you don’t have to repeat over e-mail. Hope the holiday season is treating you well. Good to hear from you. Can’t wait to see you. Merry Christmas



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