Month: June 2014
Tim Captures Mars Lights at FOKL
Check Out Song Exploder
Stereogum linked me to the Converge episode of the new-ish Song Exploder podcast the other day, and it’s well worth a listen. Their tagline sums it up; “where musicians take apart their songs, and piece by piece, tell the story of how they were made.”
I was surprised to hear Kurt mention a Boss metal pedal, since their reputation is generally poor. He might have been talking about one of the Hyper Metal pedals, and not the Metal Zones; anyone know for sure?
Mars Lights THIS FRIDAY at Fokl, KCK
On My One Visit To Ventura…
Back in March 2006, Cory and I thought that we’d be recording the album soon. We did a DIY cover photo shoot at the pier in anticipation of that.
Here’s an early version of what that cover would have looked like. The font and general color scheme persisted to the final version, but the live shots were too old to really use eight years later.
Ventura Alternate Cover
At the last minute, I pulled this guy from the cover of Ventura. A sun wearing sunglasses seemed like enough silliness for the record, without bringing intertubes memes into the proceedings.
In case you prefer it, though, here he is:
Happy little guy.
If you switch, would you let me know in the comments?
Back in November,
I didn’t know why Jill asked for the lyrics to “Make Our Sound.”
Over the next few weeks, I forgot about it entirely.
When I found out what she’d been up to, though, it all made sense.
I accept the gentle teasing about getting Ventura done with gratitude; to me, it means that it matters to someone, and I love having a piece to remind me of that, and of the friend who created it, every time I pass by it.