howie&scott REUNION – Sept. 1

On Friday, Sept. 1, howie and Scott will reunite for APE’s S.ummer’s E.nd X.travaganza at Doane College in Crete, NE – Cassell Outdoor Theatre, along with Robot, Creep Closer!

Help us write our setlist – leave a comment below!

After years of drug abuse, on-stage meltdowns, terrible comeback albums, sleeping with our band managers, disturbing-the-peace arrests and trashing hotel rooms worldwide, howie and Scott are back together and will be in fine rocking shape.  Don’t miss us.  We’ve missed you!


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7 responses to “howie&scott REUNION – Sept. 1”

  1. JT Avatar

    Oh, but for that I could be there! Hey, you should try to play Could 9 and Blues or Astroblue? for me! And then play it loud enough for me to hear it in Colorado. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  2. Cory Alan Avatar
    Cory Alan

    Depending on time, pick 8-10 of these.

    Stop Walking
    Midnights and Tape-Delays
    Major and Minor
    The Picture Song
    I Would
    Things We Know Now
    Easter III
    The Bridge
    Was I In Bon Jovi For A Second There?
    What Sounds Are Real?
    Easter III

  3. jake Avatar

    YAY!!! for Summer’s End Extravaganza! It’ll be a MFR reunion show. Iris Avenue is playing also. I am SO down with

    Stop Walking
    Midnights and Tape-Delays
    The Picture Song
    Tired Chords
    Say Something (odds of this are rare but i wat to hear this one)
    Easter III

    can’t wait to see it!


  4. howie Avatar

    thanks for feedback guys, i am practicing a little here and there… oh, the cobwebs!

    i’m really sad that “midnights and tape delays” is still relevant. i can’t believe it. i feel like i’ve grown up with this terrible war and there’s nothing i can do about it. i had forgotten how that song goes from anti-war* psychology to a very personal relationship thing – that’s what several of the new sally ride tunes do, bringing together the political and the personal. old seeds.

    *New readers; I am a pro-military liberal (see; the Balkan war-ending intervention under Bill Clinton and Wesley Clark. Brilliant). I am opposed to the Iraq War because our leaders lied us into it, it was unjustified, it has done much more harm than good, and has pragmatically benefitted Iran and the House of Saud.

  5. howie Avatar

    Cory said this on email: “I’m super pumped for the h&s show this Friday. No joke. Expect me to be singing along loudly, into the microphone that’s attached to the PA I brought myself, just so I could sing along.”

    Here’s what I said back: “i’m glad you’re pumped for h&s… i’m really excited musically, though – i feel like i’m getting all the rocking and popping out of my system elsewhere, so we can let h&s breathe and be what it is without self-pressure to rock or be catchy. i wonder what will happen. the anticipation feels crazy and right.”

  6. JC & ashley Avatar
    JC & ashley

    good luck tonight h&s, hopefully the practice payed off! you sounded great

  7. howie Avatar

    thanks JC & ashley! we had a rocking time yesterday – look for some of the stuff we recorded to be posted here in a month or so! the show last night was rad – i’ll blog about it soon. -howie