This Week in Music

I’m hard at work mastering The Killigans’ new record.  It is going to rock; go be their MySpace friend and get excited about it.  That is the major news.  The album was recorded by our friend Scott at Mookie Studios in Lincoln.

We are also preparing for 5*C shows most every weekend for the next couple months, including some big ones.

Also note the new MR|sampler link in the left column, as Furious Instance takes a break until we have some more songs to put on it.

I’m going to write in-depth on The Killers’ Sam’s Town and The Hold Steady’s Boys and Girls in America soon.  In the meantime, I’ve been newly listening to Nas’ Illmatic, TV on the Radio’s Return to Cookie Mountain, John Legend’s new record, The Strokes, and a Replacements compilation.  Illmatic matches its reputation as a classic and absolutely essential hip-hop record from the first spin.  I was surprised to find that TV on the Radio makes, in my estimation, soul music; it’s all grooves, songs built on grooves and noise.  I expected more “rock,” but I have to say I think it’s soul and I think it’s pretty good.  -h


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4 responses to “This Week in Music”

  1. Mel Avatar


    I didn’t know you ever did any work with the Killigans. I actually went to high school with at least 3 of the guys in the band. It’s kind of funny that I know some of the guys and their wives and I still haven’t seen one of their shows or heard their music. I know one of the guys moved to GI so I am not sure how well that works with the other guys being here in Lincoln.

    So how are things by the way?


  2. howie Avatar

    Hey MEL!

    Sorry I am a total loser about being in touch. I’m even worse now that I have 2 jobs.

    This is my *first* work with the Killigans, but their record is super-super-awesome. I’ve heard they put on a great show, too, but I haven’t seen them myself. When I was kicking around Nebraska, I think they were still called Settle for Less.

    Things are hustling. My days away from home are usually 14-15 hours long, between work and band practice or other projects. But cool things keep happening on every front – Five Star Crush, MFR, church, writing.

    How are you & family :-) ???


  3. Mel Avatar

    Things are pretty good. We have had our ups and downs recently. Sometimes just when you think everything is going great you get hit with bad news. But I guess they say what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.

    Last weekend we moved into an awesome townhouse here in Lincoln. It’s a really nice place and has lots of room. When you have a little one you need as much room as you can get. We even had that problem just getting married. Our apartment was so small we never opened or used half of our wedding gifts.

    Lexie is growing like a weed and is just cute as ever. She is a very good baby and makes us laugh alot. Sometimes I think she tries to sing but you can’t really tell this early on. She does clap alot but not quite on the beat, but I’m sure she will catch on eventually with two musical parents.

    Any way I hope things calm down for you, but I guess I would rather be busy than have nothing to do. Have you found any new music lately you think I might like?


  4. howie Avatar

    Your comment makes me think of the way African mothers dance with their babies wrapped to their backs with big pieces of fabric. I really think that’s how everyone in Africa gets their rhythm; they’re feeling it physically before they can even walk!

    The *best* thing I’ve heard lately is The Hold Steady “Boys and Girls in America.” I’ve been on a big Depeche Mode kick, too – “Violator” is a classic of course, but “Songs of Faith & Devotion” is my favorite.
